MLB Commissioner Calls for Sports Betting Reforms
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- Category: Gambling Industry
- Created: Wednesday, 11 February 2015 08:58
The newly appointed commissioner of North America’s Major League Baseball, Ron Manfred, has publicly come forward asking for the US Government to change its position on sports betting in the United States.
Manfred is the just latest of high-profile figures that have made a call for sports betting reforms.
Currently, Nevada is the only state where players are able to place bets on sporting events.
In the past few years, a movement has been steadily growing for the US to re-consider its position over sports betting and explore the possibility of wider legislation across the country.
Since assuming his new role as the commissioner of the MLB in January, Manfred said that the league itself should consider its own stance over sports betting and the he plans to hold meetings with team owners in order to establish its stance.
“Gambling in terms of our society has changed its presence on legalisation,” Manfred told ESPN yesterday.
“I think it’s important for there to be a conversation between me and the owners about what our institutional position will be.”
Manfred’s statement comes at a time when the commissioner of North America’s National Basketball Association, Adam Silver, is pushing the government to make a decision over sports betting.
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